Beneath the Shadows

Diving Deep: The Saturation Diver Who Should Have Died

Travis Fenn Episode 23

From ancient breath-hold divers to the cutting-edge world of saturation diving, humans have long pushed the limits of underwater exploration. Today, we take a deep dive into the history of diving, exploring how technology has evolved to allow people to work for days or even weeks beneath the ocean’s surface.

We’ll uncover the science behind saturation diving, the dangers divers face—from decompression sickness to high-pressure nervous syndrome—and the extreme depths reached in pursuit of knowledge, industry, and adventure. How do divers survive in pressurized environments? What happens to the human body when exposed to such intense conditions? And what role does this specialized field play in deep-sea construction, research, and exploration?

Join me as we descend into the fascinating and perilous world of saturation diving and unravel the incredible story of Chris Lemons.

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